
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” —

Albus Dumbledore

Welcome to The Depression Escape. This blog aims to create more awareness for mental health, reduce the stigma around it, and most of all support those in need. So many are suffering in silence. I want to create change and awareness by sharing my personal experiences around my own mental health struggles. Hopefully, my sharing can make another’s journey a little bit easier, make them feel less alone and inspire them to speak up.

Who is Kim?

  • A Citizen of the World: born and raised in Germany, was then based in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Canada, now mostly a digital nomad with a base in Amsterdam
  • A Psychologist (B.Sc. in Psychology, M.Sc. in Health and Social Psychology)
  • Passionate Mental Health Ambassador, Certified Coach and Yoga Teacher

  • Loves Latin Dancing, Traveling, Languages & Cultures, Personal Development, Karaoke and Writing
  • Personality Type ISFJ-T (“The Defender” – 16 Personalities Test)

My story

I have struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my adult life, sometimes more, sometimes less – for many years even unknowingly. In 2020 my mental health hit rock bottom, I was suffering from burnout, panic attacks, depression and a full-on life crisis. I felt like my life was over and I would never get out it. With a lot of work I managed to dig myself out of what felt like a big, black hole of hopelessness and now overall I am living a happy life again. During this time I have learned so much about myself, mental illnesses and how to cope with them (because just therapy isn’t always enough). Therefore I want to share this knowledge, hoping to be able to support and inspire those who need it (maybe that’s you?). I aim to be a living example for them to show that there is a way out of the darkness.

I would have never believed it if someone had told me that this time would eventually change my life for the better, but it did. One of the key learnings from this dark time for me was that I want to spend my time on something that I am truly passionate about. For me, that’s helping and supporting others. I left my corporate job in HR which I always felt wasn’t what I was meant to do. With it I also left many beliefs about what a ‘normal’ adult life like should look like. Instead, I began listening to myself and what I really want. I started traveling (almost) full-time and am now spending my time on what fulfils me – to help, be creative and build the life that I really want for myself.

If my blog will help only one person alone, I’d be happy. And if it doesn’t, I am at least doing what I love and doing it with good intentions.

Instagram: @thedepressionescape

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a psychotherapist and this blog does not replace therapy (but rather complements it)